
ich konnte die Vorlesung am 09.11. nicht besuchen.
Hab mir jetzt gerade die Folien zu constitutive approach und symbolic leading runtergeladen.
Wenn ich den Foliensatz zu symbolic leading öffen, steht unten, unter den Folien im Textfeld folgender Text:
" Good morning. I am filling in for Manred Auer today as he is sick and we did not want to postpone this lecture because the topics I am going to present to you today are important for one of the group tasks and subsequently they are also of relevance for the written test in two weeks time. The two approaches that we are going to have a closer look at today are Leadership substitues and Symbolic Leading. The common foundation of these aspects is that they refer to human leadership as at least not always important or even as soley being a marginal factor. So, what is the line of argument here?"

Wurde was von wegen Gruppenarbeit und einem Test in der VO gesagt?

Könnte mir das bitte jemand erklären?

Vielen Dank,
